Services Offered

Bowen Technique Therapy
Bowenwork is a hands-on form of bodywork that utilizes a sequence of light rolling movements with the thumbs or fingers over specific areas of the body. This "Bowen Move" stimulates the brain and body to come together and begin self-healing. It is holistic in that it affects the whole body and not just specific symptoms. It is like hitting the body's reset button to take it out of "fight/flight/freeze" (Sympathetic Nervous System) and into healing/rest/digest (Parasympathetic Nervous System).

Trauma Release Technique
The Trauma Release Technique, as taught by Madeline McBride of McBride Pain Clinic in Ottawa, Ontario, is proving to be a powerful addition to Robyn's ability to help people. It utilizes the "Mind-Body Connection" to facilitate physical healing by disrupting the emotions or stress that are pushing the body into the fight/flight/freeze sympathetic nervous system.